Gais and gals. To my Muslim friends, assalamualaikum.
Life of Strays will move to new location! It is Fakulti Sains & Teknologi (New block), UKM Bangi! Weeeee. Same time and date. :D Guys do come okay. One more thing, there are a lot of things to be said. Let me list them down.
Submission: Please click here and check it out how to submit coz there is a guideline to do so. Ho-ho!
Number 3.
Pre-order T-Shirt!
Life of Strays will move to new location! It is Fakulti Sains & Teknologi (New block), UKM Bangi! Weeeee. Same time and date. :D Guys do come okay. One more thing, there are a lot of things to be said. Let me list them down.
- New location : Blok baru Fakulti Sains & Teknologi, UKM Bangi.
- Photo submission.
- Pre-order T-Shirt.
- Spreaaaaaaaad the love virus!
Number 1. Done.
Here the prove!
Number 2.
Photo submission.
Erk? Refer to this link first. Here~
A Thousand Words.
A way to express your feelings through lens.
There is THREE category.
- Strays
- Pet living in luxury
- Happy rescued
*Ehem* Not just photo ah! Tell us the story behind it. Who knows, some hearts can be touch and we will slowly going to achieve a harmonious World that free from violence towards this animals. Not just violence, the perception towards animals especially strays like dogs and cats can be neutralised. Eh? So, yeah, let us know your story with the photo.
Closing date: 5th May 2017, 11:59 pm. Later after the date and time, we cannot layan.
Submission: Please click here and check it out how to submit coz there is a guideline to do so. Ho-ho!
Number 3.
Pre-order T-Shirt!
See? That pure white t-shirt? Want to own one? Want to give as a present to lovely friends especially those friends who so in-love with animals? Or as birthday gift? Use it as a way to spread love virus and pass it on to the next person. NOW ;) Good things need to be shared.
Alright, this t-shirt is designed by Hweh.Arts & Designs! Special thanks for being awesome. Hiks.
Price/pc : RM26 (public) / RM22 (UKM student)
Size : Available from XS to XL
Materials : Our shirt are cotton and polyester, stretchable, breathable and comfortable!
We're missing something you want to know? Drop us a message via FB. We will certainly entertain you.
Submit your order at
Number 4.
Spread the VIRUS. Everyone want to avoid getting virus. This virus will not harm you. Don't chu worry. Go to the next person you see and say this : "Want to know the best virus we can have? Come and support Life of Strays this 13th May at FST (new block), UKM Bangi"
Big thumbs up to all of you who want kindness for this world.
Big loves to all of you who come and support.
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